

Sunday, June 1, 2014

An Ode to Madeline

Today is an important day here at Pacific Pair as it is the day that Maddy entered this earth.

Happy Birthday, Maddy!

Before she had to head to work today Maddy and I celebrated with a birthday brunch at one of my personal favorite spots, Linda's Tavern. They have a great brunch menu which includes a pitcher of mimosas, which we definitely ordered.

I have been so lucky as to call Maddy one of my best friends for the past five years, as well as my roommate for three of them and now my partner on this blog! Maddy, I hope you have the wonderful birthday you deserve. I can't wait to spend this year with you and celebrate all the birthdays to come!

And I'll just leave this birthday selfie here for your amusement.
Xox, J


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