

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cheap & Easy Palette Project

Everybody that crafts loves palettes, right? Right! I think they come in second only to mason jars. Last year my wonderful brother helped me track down some palettes and haul them to my apartment. After a run around to a few different grocery stores we had snagged four palettes that fit well under my bed. Here is what it looked like then:

While I did like the set up when I moved to a new apartment in March I wanted to switch things up. I did some Pinterest hunting for ideas and settled on a make-shift shelf/desk project. Since I had them lying around already I decided to buy some paint to class them up a bit.

The whole project cost me about $40- and I have leftover paint.

 These bricks were $0.49 each. You could buy less or more depending on how high you want your shelves to be or how much space you want between each shelf.

Add all of your knick knacks and voila!

It fits my books, record player, records, make up bag, and some movies. Sometimes living in an apartment is frustrating since you can only customize so much but I am loving the way it makes my room feel organized and really mine.

Xox, J


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